Flushing Schedule
What is Flushing?
We flush all water mains annually to maintain water quality, remove sediment, enhance corrosion control, and optimize flow, especially for fire safety. Easton Suburban Water Authority uses Uni-Directional Flushing, isolating sections by closing valves and flushing through fire hydrants or “blow-off” assemblies. Flushing may also occur in response to customer concerns.
We notify customers of Comprehensive Flushing through our reverse telephone system with a general schedule. The daily flushing schedule is published on our phone system by 4:00 PM. Customers can call 610.258.7181 for updates.
Flushing Notification
When we perform Comprehensive Flushing, we notify customers by mail which areas will be flushed and when the flushing is scheduled. We also use a message system that is updated on a daily basis to inform customers of what areas will be flushed each day.
Emergency Flushing
When we need to flush a section of the water system for an unforeseen reason, we do it as soon as possible, and typically, we only notify our Critical Care customers who depend on water for the operation of life support systems. When possible, we do this type of flushing at night, normally between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., to minimize the impact on customers in the affected area.
Flushing Schedule
Flushing Schedule
There is no scheduled flushing at this time.