Your Rights as a Customer

Customer Rights

At Easton Suburban Water Authority, we strive to supply you with water that is clean, pure and safe. In that process, we believe there are certain assurances you can expect from us, and certain “rights” you have as an Easton Suburban Water Authority customer.

Rules & Regulations

  1. Your water service will be as continuous as possible. We strive to minimize unplanned service interruptions, water main breaks, leaks, blockages, and other complications that affect the reliability of your water supply. If there is an unplanned service interruption, you can expect that we will do our best to restore your service as quickly and safely as possible.
  2. You will have access to an emergency phone number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report a water emergency or problem with your service. Easton Suburban Water Authority will monitor the number and respond to your call as quickly as possible.
  3. Your water will comply with all required health parameters of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 2003, except in circumstances that are beyond Easton Suburban Water Authority’s control.
  4. Easton Suburban Water Authority will conduct a Water Quality Monitoring Program and report the results on an annual basis as per the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 2003. In addition, Easton Suburban Water Authority will issue public notice in all local press on our website if there is ever an issue with the quality of your water. Click here to view today’s status.
  5. At times, Easton Suburban Water Authority employees will need to do work on your property or street. Occasionally, this work may require us to dig up the street or your yard, resulting in possible damage to your property. In any such case, Easton Suburban Water Authority will attempt to minimize damage and reduce inconvenience. In all cases, you have the right to have your property restored to a comparable value. Employees and contractors will only stay on your property as long as is reasonably necessary.
  6. Easton Suburban Water Authority will notify you as soon as possible of any changes to usage prices and/or service charges that affect your bill. We will make a public and online statement detailing any change in charges prior to the change taking effect.


Easton Suburban Water Authority


In order to make a request for Authority records under the Right-to-Know Law, please click here to review the Authority’s Policy for submitting these requests.

To go directly to the Authority’s Request form, please click here.

Contact Information for the Authority’s Open Records officer is:
Easton Suburban Water Authority
Attention: Records Officer
3700 Hartley Avenue
Easton, PA 18045

Phone: 610-258-7181
Fax: 610-258-7780