Our Staff
At ESWA, we're proud of the commitment and dedication to service and quality that each of our employees brings to your water authority. Our culture is one of service - we recognize that we need to work hard to earn your trust every day. Our team consists of over 50 employees in nine different departments. Please email us if we can be of further service to you.

Our responsibilities include:

     Fire service accounts
     Account information and updates

Our job is to serve you in any way we can. We take care of customer relations, billings and bill payment, credit and collections activities, customer information, connection and disconnection of water service, account information services, and all meter-associated services for our customers. Our responsibilities include:

     Credit and collections activities
     Service connection and termination
     Service terminations and scheduling of final meter readings
     Account information and updates
     Responds to customer inquiries/addresses customer requests
     Schedules service work
     Provides counter service
     Customer payments

Our staff is responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair, expansion, relocation and operation of the distribution system that provides water to you. Our responsibilities include:

     Install, repair and inspect water mains and service lines
     Infrastructure replacement and preventive maintenance
     Operate and maintain all vehicles and heavy equipment used in the installation of water mains and service lines
     Work with Engineering to design, develop and install new water systems
     erform hydrostatic pressure tests and water system maintenance, including flushing, valve exercising, and hydrant inspection
     Coordinate on-call and emergency responses to water problems
     Establishes, implements and maintains leak detection program

It is our pleasure to service and maintain all of the tanks, pumps, hydrants and other facilities and equipment necessary to provide you with water. Our responsibilities include:

     Investigate customer complaints for discolored water, low pressure, water leaks, etc.
     System flushing
     Fire hydrant inspection and maintenance
     Valve inspection
     Vehicle maintenance
     Leak detection
     Enforcement of ESWA rules and regulations for illegal water usage and unauthorized fire hydrant usage

Our responsibilities include:

     Accounts Payable and receivables
     Payroll and Employee benefits
     Financial Reporting
     Cash and debt management

The Easton Suburban Water Authority is lead by an administrative team of highly qualified, conscientious professionals. Combined, they have about 50 years of experience in managing water issues.

If you have any concerns about your water, please bring them to the attention of the ESWA management team to be resolved. You can reach us at 610-258-7181 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Our responsibilities include:

     Maintenance and service of pumps, motors, and valves at the water treatment plant
     Repairs and routine maintenance of all electrical equipment located at the water treatment plant
     Processing of sludge for disposal

    This is a 24-7 job... always someone on duty at plant maintaining chemical residuals, production of drinking water. Requires a class A waterworks operator certification license. Our responsibilities include:

     Operation of pumps, motors, and valves in the water treatment plant
     Dosage of water treatment chemicals
     Testing of various parameters to ensure water quality
     Maintaining filters and backwash schedule

    Our staff is responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair, of the water meters, water meter reading devices. We also are the staff that visits customers homes for water sampling, water quality and customer complaints. Our responsibilities include:

     Install, repair and inspect water meters an water meter reading devices and infrastructure
     Water Quality, Water Sampling, ensure ESWA distribution system is sampled and tested according to ESWA and DEP standards.
     Customer assistance within their homes. Water quality or leaks, etc. Service Department are the Technicians that come to customer homes to troubleshoot issues.
     Meter changeout programs
     Water meter reading
     Turn on/off of water service

Click here to explore the option of joining the ESWA team.